Parenting With love and Logic Teaches kids how to Make healthy choices

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Del love and Logic is a parenting technique that has been tried and tested for many years. started by well known parenting experts Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline MD over 30 years ago, love and Logic has helped thousands of parents raise responsible and loving children. Jim Fay has written several books and given classes and seminars all over the country.

 The four basic principles of love and logic, build self concept, share the control or decision making, offer empathy, then consequences, and share the thinking and problem solving help build children’s self-esteem and teach them personal responsibility and how to make intelligent choices.Build the Self-ConceptIf your child wants to do something that you think might not be a good idea, ask questions that encourage your child to think about his actions. Five-year-old Sarah is excited about starting her first day of Kindergarten.  During the summer she attended a dance camp and loved her ballet shoes so much that she wore them nearly every single day. When the first day of school arrives she wants to wear her ballet shoes to school as well.  “Sarah,” her mother says, “You still have your ballet shoes on and the van leaves for school in five minutes.”“I like my ballet shoes, Mom,” Sarah replies. “I know you like them Honey,” her mom says lovingly. “How do you think they will work in the classroom?”“Great!” she says.“How do you think they will work in gym class?”“Oh, not very well. I’ll slip all over the floor. I need to wear my tennis shoes. mom can I pack my ballet shoes in my backpack?”“Yes you can, Sweetie.  The van leaves in five minutes.”Share the ControlFighting with your child over control creates tension and can lead to rebellious behavior later in life. Share the control by giving your child choices that you feel good about. Two-year-old Johnny wants to go to the park with his mother.  It is a nice sunny day and the park is just around the corner from their home.  Mom asks her little boy, “Do you want to walk to the park and hold Mommy’s hand, or ride in the stroller?” “Walk and hold Mommy’s hand!” Johnny exclaims.On the way to the park Johnny gets distracted by some rocks on the side of the road. He lets go of his mom’s hand and starts playing with the rocks.  Worried about his safety mom says, “Do you want to hold Mommy’s hand and walk to the park or do you want mommy to carry you to the park?” Johnny doesn’t answer and continues to play with the rocks on the side of the road. mom quickly scoops him up and says, “I am carrying you to the park.”Provide a strong Dose of Empathy before delivering ConsequencesWe learn from our mistakes. usually if humans do something that causes hurt or pain we will avoid that in the future. When you allow your children make poor choices and accept the consequence of their actions you teach them a valuable lesson as long as you do it in a loving way.Mom made vegetable lasagna for dinner for her family. Her three older kids are enjoying the meal which she hasn’t served in several months. The youngest boy, Davie picks at the lasagna and refuses to take a bite.  Mom says to her young son, “Dinner is going to be over in 10 minutes, Davie and you haven’t touched your lasagna.”Davie says, “I’m not hungry, Mom. and besides dinner looks weird.”After dinner mom clears Davies plate along with all the rest.Later that night after all her kids are in bed, Davie comes down stairs and says, “Mom I  can’t sleep because I am hungry.”Mom says, “Sorry, Sweetie but dinner ended two hours ago. What do you think you should have done?”“I think next time I am going to eat my dinner,” Davie replies.“That is a good idea,” says Mom. “You are a smart kid!”Share the ThinkingWhen your child does something that makes you angry instead of yelling show your child empathy and understanding.  This will help your child think about his actions. little Tommy loves to play in his sister’s bedroom when she is in school.  He knows he isn’t supposed to go in there but he does it anyway. curious he wanted to know what would happen if he threw her musical jewelry box across the room.  Mom hears a crash and enters her daughter’s bedroom.“That is so sad, Tommy. You broke your sister’s special jewelry box. What are you going to do?”OneTommy replies, “Don’t know.”Mom asks, “Would you likE for at høre nogle ideer? ”“ En idé er, at du kan åbne din sparegris og finde nok penge til at købe hende en ny smykkeskrin. Hvordan fungerer det? ”” Jeg kan gøre det, mor! Hvor meget koster det? ”” Jeg er ikke sikker. Jeg viser dig, hvordan du ringer til butikken og finder ud af det. ”Tommy lærer alt om, hvordan du bruger telefonen. Med tårer i øjnene siger Tommy: ”Damen siger, at en ny smykkeboks koster ti dollars, og jeg har kun fire.” At omfavne hendes barn mor siger: ”Det er så trist, Tommy. Vil du have en anden idé? ”Han nikker, ja.” Du kan tjene de seks dollars ved at hjælpe mig med en flok pligter rundt om i huset, som at støve og feje køkkenbunden. Hvordan vil det fungere? ”Tommy siger,” Jeg hader pligter! ”Mor svarer,” Hvad med at betale mig med din Spider Man Action Figur? Hvordan ville det fungere? ”Tommy udbryder,“ Jeg laver pligter! ”Når vi hjælper vores børn med at opbygge selvkoncept, del kontrollen, giver empati og konsekvenser og deler den tænkning, vi lærer dem værdifulde lektioner, der vil hjælpe med at opbygge deres karakter som voksne. Kærlighed og logikforældre lærer børnene, hvordan man træffer kloge valg, accepterer konsekvenserne af deres handlinger og ansvar.

Cascia Talbert er en travl blogger, udgiver, freelance forfatter, online købmand og mor til fem børn, der bor i det nordvestlige stillehav. Med en B.A. I historie og lov og en lidenskab for at skrive og forblive sund, startede hun det sunde Moms -magasin i 2007. Det sunde Moms -magasin er i øjeblikket rangeret som den øverste sundhedsblog for mødre og indeholder flere sundhedsekspertforfattere og morbloggere. Fru Talbert mener, at hvis mødre er veluddannede til sundhedsspørgsmål og hvordan man forbliver sunde, kan de videregive disse oplysninger til deres børn og vende barndoms fedme statistikker i USA

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Ms. Talbert er en fremhævet sundhedsblogger på, og hendes artikler kan også findes på Hun driver også det sunde mødre sociale netværk på Ning, er Chief Marketing Officer for Talbert Nutrition LLC og er i det rådgivende bestyrelse for sociale medier for America’s Wellness Challenge. Følg hende på Google+.

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